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GoldenWeaveAnimation's News

Posted by GoldenWeaveAnimation - 3 days ago


This website, and cyberspace at large, has definitely decayed over the years.

There was once a wild west era online. Anything felt possible. You could download an entire book for free if you wanted. Searches actually gave you good results. It was easy to get attention because things were smaller back then. No bots, no twelve year olds, and few Jannies.

Nowadays, you can have no fun at all online without getting a 6 million year long ban, and searches and downloads lead to porn malware more often than not.

During my tenure online, I have been to many areas. I made no less than 67 accounts on wikipedia, with a total of over 80,000 edits between them all.

No less than 65 of those accounts got permabanned, or "blocked" as they call it, including one account that got blocked by the arbitration committee themselves.

That is the thanks they give to editors for years of faithful service.

Back when I used Reddit, I made over 60 different accounts, and I made numerous subreddits. How many of those subreddits got any traction? Well, most did not, although one did get 11,000 members. All of my subreddit platforms were taken away from me by the admins. A platform is basically impossible to build anymore online.

How many of those reddit accounts of mine got perma suspended? All except two, which I no longer use because to heck with plebbit. I also got perm banned from over 60 different subreddits.

On twitter, I made two accounts. One failed to get attention, the other got permanently suspended.

My YouTube account has been stuck at 40ish subscribers for months now. The first video i ever tried to post there was immediately taken down.

And of course, on newgrounds, my posts get no traction and I got a ten year ban from the forums.

There are a lot more websites, but I think that I have made my point.

What the heck is wrong with Jannies? They NEVER give lenient bans, never, it is always permanent. And why is it impossible to build a platform anymore? All I ever wanted was a platform, but the new tech barons have a vandetta against me for some reason.

Years of hard work get you no platform, and even if the platform does grow, it gets ripped away from your talons for no reason. Anyone who can get famous online nowadays without getting banned has sold their soul to the Cinnabon of $atan.

New internet sucks. Too many bots, jannies, malware, and bans.

If only there was some way to revive the golden age.



Posted by GoldenWeaveAnimation - November 3rd, 2024

My mommy dragon made is do laundry twice last month and now she is deciding that we will do laundry again today.


I fucking hate laundry because mom forces us to do it at public laundromats, which means hauling heavy arse bags of laundry to th' car, and then spending hours and hours in a smelly laundromat that has even smellyier monkeys running around in it because families decide to take their chico malo hellions with them.

To make matters worse, mom thinks that laundry should he a long process, she believes in shaking each cloth before putting it in th' machine, instead of just dumping it all in.

And she will often complain about how th' dryer did not dry th' clothes right, so she puts it all in again, which makes the process last even longer.

And then she demans that we fold it all there instead of just going home, which makes the torture last even longer.

Finally, she always demands that I wear new clothes everyday, which makes the laundry pile rise very quickly.

People who think that slavery was abolished in 1865 are absolute cattle.

Slavery persists even today, alive and well.



Posted by GoldenWeaveAnimation - June 2nd, 2024

A child arrived in a bright room, breakfast and warrior book in hand, It was early in the morning, and a maelstrom was rampaging outside across the land.

He sat in a chair, and then heard in the air, a dreadful sound behind him.

He wheeled about, and saw with a shout, an old man wrangling with a long yellow dragon.

The old man was attempting to tame and trap it, but it would not give way, so to enjoy what little was left of his day, the old man tossed the long yellow dragon away.

The child went over and pick it it up, and then he started to wrangle it.

But th' disorderly beast proved to have a tougher wit.

A long time passed, and a crowd amassed, to watch this chairbound struggle, for th' child and th' long yellow dragon were giving eachother quite th' tuggle.

Eventually, th' child grew desiccated, and then capitulated, and then slumped back in th' chair. Th' innocence, youth and majesty had been drained from th' eyes, and th' child's skin was now so wrinkled, it was enough to make you cries!

Th' long yellow dragon lay on th' floor for a whiles, but then a new pair of shoes came dancing across th' tiles.

A new child had arrived, and picked up th' wicked string to give it a fling. As he toiled against it, th' world froze still, as if paralyzed by a cannon.

Would this child prove victorious, or just another victim of th' long yellow dragon?
